The Latest: 2023.10.24
Important: This update contains several bug fixes.
Please send us bug reports.
Rocket is updated all the time, the website less often. Read what's new or download it and see. There are likely to be improvements and additions rather than wholesale changes to justify a new release, so it won't be radically different. Still, there will be new things, and some of them might be useful. (For those who care, Rocket is currently at release 897.6.09_ac2.)
(Apologies for not having a beautiful web page. It's not coming.)
Why use RocketCad? If you are here you probably do, but here are a few reasons.
Download Rocket. It's not encrypted, doesn't use hardware locks, won't mess with your settings or take over your system.
Download The Manual. This is mandatory: if you are using Rocket you must have a copy. (It's in the Rocket zip file if you already downloaded that.)
As always, you are not allowed to put the manual in a three-ring binder or staple it - it must be printed on both sides of the paper and spiral bound with a clear or translucent cover.
Download the coloured first page of the manual. This makes it look much more attractive and you shouldn't be using a cad program if you have no aesthetic sense.
Download the Mechanical-Only Rocket.
Rocket also makes a small, simple P&ID package. If you'd like a copy email us. It's free.
Unzip the Rocket files to C:\Rocket\Blocks, C:\Rocket\Lisp, etc.
Open Autocad and drag the file Aasup.lsp from C:\Rocket\ into the current drawing. If you put the files in a different location Aasup will ask you where it is.
Close and re-open Autocad.
If you would rather do this manually, read the full Instructions, check the manual, or
Get Help.
Current Pricing.
Email: Questions, Comments, Bug Reports, Etc.